Welcome to My Nature Blog!

Welcome to My Nature Blog!

Old Growth Swamp from the Coastal Mountains, British Columbia, Canada
Old Growth Swamp from the Coastal Mountains, British Columbia, Canada
Me sitting in an Old Growth Swamp in the Coastal Mountains of BC back in 2007.
Me sitting in an Old Growth Swamp in the Coastal Mountains of BC back in 2007.

Lyrae’s Nature Blog

Welcome to my first nature blog!  I created Lyrae’s Nature Blog to help me share my passion for science and nature writing.  This nature blog will cover topics such as native plants, invasive species, habitat loss, climate change, and more. I have a BSc, Honors, in Environmental Sciences, specializing first in Chemical Environmental Analysis and later in Botany and Ecology.  After my degree, I received professional certifications in Wetland Assessments, Riparian Areas Assessments, and Ecological Restoration. I have always loved science and writing scientific papers for school. Now I am venturing outside of my science bubble to try my hand at writing for a more general audience.  My goal is to share some of the wonderful knowledge I have gathered along my lifelong learning journey.  

Coming soon, I will publish my first article on the use of “invasive native” cattails to help with wetland and wastewater remediation. Soon after, I will publish my first ‘Native Plant of the Week’ blog. Each week I will describe a native North American plant, provide a photo(s), its range and status, and current or traditional uses. If you have any particular requests for topics related to the environment, plants, or ecology, please feel free to contact me. 

Additional Blog Topics

I will also be doing two smaller blogs with a natural theme to them. The first is Healing Naturally since I have a lifetime of experience healing Inflammatory Bowel Disease (Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis) naturally. Soon I will publish my first article explaining my healing journey and the steps I took to get well naturally.  I will occasionally be sharing different natural remedies that can help heal the gut. And finally, I will also share some of my favorite allergy and IBD-friendly recipes I have personally developed over the years.  

Finally, my newest passion I will be sharing is topics related to homeschooling our children.  Whether you are a full-time homeschool parent or want to supplement your child’s education with topics not covered well enough in the regular curriculum, this blog is for you. Topics will include teaching children to identify plants and other organisms around them, medicinal and emergency uses of plants, environmental topics, healthy food choices, and how our choices as consumers affect the world around us.  I feel that all children should understand where their food and other goods come from and how those choices affect their health and that of the environment. This allows our children to make informed choices.   

For More Information

Please contact me if you have any questions about my articles, suggestions for specific topics, or questions about my ecological consulting and survey services. Use the contact me page to send me your information and inquiry and I will do my best to respond within 48 hours.  

And finally, If you want to learn more about who I am, check out my Autobiography. Thank you for reading and I look forward to sharing more soon!

Currently Seeking Funding To Continue This Non-Profit, Ad-Free Work

If you are able to donate so that I can continue this non-profit work of supplying people with scientific information on the plant families, native plants, and invasive species found throughout North America, please donate using the GoFundMe link below. Thank you!


  • lyrae

    Environmental Scientist, Plant Ecologist, Ecological Restoration Specialist, and Freelance Science Writer.

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